
Al Fresco Film – Swede Caroline

Saturday 31st August 2024

Garden open from 6pm for picnics, Q & A with Directors, Finn Bruce & Brook Driver, at 7.45pm, Film starts at 8pm

This highly acclaimed British mockumentary examines the competitive giant vegetable growing world… rocked by scandal when Caroline, the up-and-coming grower of the moment, has her prized marrow plants stolen.   

The film has recently won Best Screenplay at the National Film Awards.

Watch the Trailer

Directed by Hampshire neighbour Finn Bruce.

Tickets are on sale NOW …..

Book now

All profits from this event will be donated to Hampshire Gardens Trust to support their Garden Plans for Schools Project.


Outdoor Theatre – The Adventures of Dr Dolittle

Sunday 30th June 2024

Thank you to all of you who came to watch Illyria’s production of Doctor Dolittle in the garden on Sunday 30th June.

We have once again been able to support The Hospital of St Cross in Winchester due to your generosity.  Thank you.


Garden Open

Friday 28th June 2024

Thank you to all those who came to visit the garden in aid of the Hampshire Gardens Trust

Red Tractor Assured

The Holt Estate have been awarded Red Tractor assurance for the beef, lamb and cereals it provides.